Do you currently have investment funds sitting in a savings account, CD, IRA, Mutual Fund Annuity or other Investment Capital that are NOT earning you at least a 10% return?
If your answer to either question is yes, don’t settle when you could be earning well above average returns, safely and securely by investing in Trust Deeds
This program of Trust Deed or private mortgage loans is a time tested way to take control and start earning back your hard earned money. While stock market investors are loosing, you can be earning steady, predictable, secure and hassle-free returns. Don’t leave your retirement up to the guesswork of others or to the mercy of an uncertain financial climate where institutions are paying record low returns on your money. Private money investing in a proven alternative used by many wealthy people to earn higher returns even in uncertain economic times like today..
Claim up to $26,000 per W2 Employee
- Billions of dollars in funding available
- Funds are available to U.S. Businesses NOW
- This is not a loan. These tax credits do not need to be repaid
Trust Deed Investments can provide substantial returns with minimal risk. Investors have two options available to them for investing in trust deeds, purchasing an existing promissory note or making a loan directly. While similar in function to traditional mortgages, the main distinction between the two types of investments is that trust deeds involve three different parties—the lender, the borrower, and the trustee. The person who is appointed the trustee operates as an independent entity to hold the legal title to a property on the lender’s behalf until the borrower has completely paid off the loan, but if a default were to occur, the lender can take ownership of the property.
FutureGen Capital currently has several great Trust Deeds for sale in whole or partials, allowing accreditied investors to earn between 12.45% to 17% for two year periods. We order a complete MAI apprisal on all bridge loans we make, along with title report and personal site inspection performed by our company personal. We only make loans on commercial type properties.
Contact us for more information at 888.391.1525 Ext 115.